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Peter Foster Books

Tact in Typographical Design: A Type Specimen - Li...
Morison, Stanley
Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge

Harold Curwen: The Careful Printer - The Double Cr...
An address delivered by Herbert Simon
The Curwen Press

Kenya: A Country in the Making, 1880-1940
Pavitt, Nigel
W. W. Norton & Company, New York & London

The Eagle's Nest: Ismaili Castles in Iran and Syri...
Willey, Peter
I. B. Tauris In Association With The Institute of Ismaili Studies, New York

Farmer in the Dell - Plays Real Music
Music Arranged by Ted Duncan
Mattel Incorporated, Los Angeles, California

Legenda Sanctorum - The Proper Lessons for Saints'...
Compiled by John de Grandisson; Edited by Herbert Edward Reynolds
Elliot Stock, London

Souvenir of Scotland, Its Cities, Lakes and Mounta...
T. Nelson and Sons, London, Edinburgh, and New York
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