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Peter Foster Books

Maximes of Napoléon - Fine Bumpus Binding from the...
Bonaparte, Napoléon
Arthur L. Humphreys, London

Fish-Tails and Some True Ones
Hall, Bradnock
Edward Arnold, Publisher to the India Office, London, New York

The Church in Bondage
R.A. Hilary Knox, Chaplain Fellow of Trinity College Oxford
The Society of SS. Peter & Paul, London

St Catharine's Society Magazine - Fine Hatchards B...
St Catharine's Society
St Catharine's Society, Cambridge

Callistus; or, the Man of Fashion. And Sophronius;...
Thomas Mulso, Esq.
Printed for Benjamin White and James Dodsley, London

Roman et Contes: Le Sultan Misapouf, et la Princes...
par Voisenon (Claude-Henri de Fusée de Voisenon)
A Londres

De Aere, Locis, & Aquis Terrae Angliae; Doque morb...
Caroli Claromontii, Doct. Medici, Nob. Lotharingi.
Typis Thome Roycroft, & Impensis Johannis Martyn, sub Signo Campanae in D. Pauli Coemiterio, Londini

Philotecte, ou Voyage Instructif et Amusant, avec...
M. Ansart, Lieutenant de Dragons
Chez de Poilly, Quai de Conty, au coin de la rue Guenegaud, aux Armes d'Angleterre, Paris

Quintus Curtius Rufus, De rebus gestis Alexandri M...
Quintus Curtius Rufus
Apud Guili: Ianbonium, Amsterodami (Amsterdam)
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Adrian Harrington - also trading as Hall's Bookshop | Adrian Harrington Tunbridge Wells
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