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Peter Foster Books

Tribute - Signed Limited Edition

McArthur, Molly

The Pelican Press, London


Daybreak - Limited Edition

Lord Gorell

Printed and Produced by West Brothers Mitchan Surrey, England


More Mary-Mary

Robinson, Joan G.

George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., London


The Travels of Corporal Chunky

Told by May Byron

Humphrey Milford/Oxford University Press, London


The Story of Hereford and the Cathedral - Fine Bin...

Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Hereford



Atalanta in Calydon: A Tragedy - Fine Mudie Bindin...

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

Chatto & Windus, London


The Chronicles of Robin Hood

Sutcliff, Rosemary

Geoffrey Cumberledge - Oxford University Press, London


Rumbo Rhymes or the Great Combine: A Satire

Calmour, Alfred C.

Harper & Brothers, London & New York


Banbury Cross & Other Nursery Rhymes

Prepared for Children by Grace Rhys

J M Dent & Co., London


The Story of Cinderella - Ladybird Series 413

Levy, Muriel

Wills & Hepworth Ltd., Loughborough


The Story of Sleeping Beauty - Ladybird Series 413

Levy, Muriel

Wills & Hepworth Ltd., Loughborough


Smugglers' Gap - A Novel for Boys and Girls

Atkinson, M. E.

John Lane The Bodley Head, London


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