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Christian F Verbeke Rare Books


The Truth About Democracy

(Anonymous) By B. Author of “A Political Catechism” and “Palaver.”

London: Leadenhall Press


L'Origine des espèces au moyen de la sélection nat...

Darwin, Charles

Paris: C. Reinwald


Fritz Boehle, 13 drawings on superfine unglazed ar...

Klein, Rudolf

London, Paris, Berlin: The International Art Publishing Company


Constitution de l’espace céleste.

Hirn, Gustave Adolphe

Gauthier-Villars & Fils, Imprimeurs-Libraires de l'Observatoire de Paris [and Brussels: Hayez]


The grapes of New York

Hedrick, Ulysses Prentiss (1870-1951), assisted by N. O. Booth, O. M. Taylor, R. Wellington, M. J. Dorsey

Albany: J. B. Lyon Company, State Printers


Lexicon graeco-prosodiacum olim vulgatum, typis de...

Morell, Thomas (1703-1784); Edward Maltby (1770-1859)

Cambridge: Typis Academicis, J. Smith,


Carta de guia de casados. Para que pello caminho d...

Melo, Francisco Manuel de (1608-1666)

Em Londres, Na officina de T.C. Hansard [publisher of the Parliamentary Debates]


On the employment of time, three essays

Anon. [Robert Bolton 1697-1763, Dean of Carlisle]

London : printed for J. Whiston, at Boyle's Head, in Fleet-Street; and R. and J. Dodsley, at Tully's Head, in Pallmall


Wonderful characters; comprising memoirs and anecd...

Wilson, Henry (fl. 1820-30)

New-York: William Burnett; Harper & Brothers


Réflexions sur le suicide, suivies de la Défense d...

Staël-Holstein, Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, Baronne de (1766-1817)

Paris: Nicolle, Mame


Du fanatisme dans la langue révolutionnaire, ou, d...

La Harpe, Jean-François de (1739-1803)

London: de l'imprimerie de Baylis, for the trade, 1797.


Science des Princes, ou considérations politiques...

Naudé, Gabriel (1600-1653). With notes by Louis Dumay (16..-1681)

Paris: Marie-Jacques Barrois


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