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Christian F Verbeke Rare Books

Trombes et cyclones. Ouvrage illustré de 42 vign...

Frédéric Zurcher and Élie Margollé

Paris : Librairie Hachette


The Land of Gold, The narrative of a journey throu...

Julius M. Price

London: Sampson Low Marston & Co.


Das Mittelmeergebiet. Seine geographische und kult...

Philippson, Alfred

Leipzig: Teubner


Reizen van Willem Barents, Jacob van Heemskerck, J...

Veer, Gerrit de, author; S. P. L'Honoré Naber, ed.

's-Gravenhage, M. Nijhoff



[Vincenzo Maria Murchio]; Giuseppe Maria Sebastiani

Venice: Appresso Antonio Tiuani


La vera guida per chi viaggia con la descrizione d...

Anonymous [Niccola Roisecco ?]

Roma : appresso Niccola Roisecco mercante libraro a piazza Navona


Atlas, designed to illustrate the geography of the...

BURRITT, Elijah H.

New York: Published by F.J. Huntington and Co, 174 Pearl Street


Fram over polhavet den Norske polarfaerd 1893-1896...

Fridtjof Nansen

Kristiania [i.e. Oslo]: H. Aschehoug & Co


Selv-Anden paa 86° 14': Optegnelser fra den norske...

Hjalmar Johansen

Kristiania (Oslo) : Aschehoug


Paterson's Roads

Daniel Paterson

London, Printed for T. Carnan


Ernest Maltravers.

Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton, Baron, 1803-1873

Paris : Baudry's European Library


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