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Christian F Verbeke Rare Books

A vinha e o vinho em 1872. Relatorio sobre a expo...
Reis, António Batalho
Lisbon, Imprensa Nacional

Poems. Underwoods -- Ballads -- Songs of travel -...
Robert Louis Stevenson
London : Chatto and Windus in association with Longmans, Green & Co.,

Fruits, their characters and qualities.
Vandendael, A., H. Van Orshoven and J. Forget.
Brussels: Office national des Débouchés agricoles et horticoles

Gli animali parlanti. Poema, con quattro apologhi...
Casti, Giovanni Battista
London [i.e. Florence ?]: Ch. F. Molini [i. e. Giuseppe Molini ?]

Le livre. Revue mensuelle. Bibliographie ancienn...
Uzanne, Octave, editor.
Paris: A. Quantin

La lettre d’imprimerie. Origine, développement, c...
Thibaudeau, Francis; Fonderies Deberny & Peignot; La Fonderie typographique française.
Paris: [privately published by the author] Au Bureau de l’Edition [AND for the albums] [Paris: Impr. G. de Malherbe]

E.W. Dennison: a memorial.
[Dennison, Henry Sturgis]
Boston: privately printed [printed by D.B. Updike at the Merrymount Press]

The functions of the book club. An address at the...
Harper, Henry H.
Privately printed for H.H. Harper (Treasurer of the Bibliophile Society, Boston) by the University Press, Cambridge

Wiegendrucke. Mit 150 Abbildungen von Typen, Holz...
J. Halle Antiquariat, München.
Munich: J. Halle
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