Book Description

--"Friction continually disturbs the relative position of the atoms towards each other, and destroys the true equilibrium of the electric force; the presence of heat is merely a concomitant phenomenon, that is to say, necessary but consecutive."--Gustav Adolf Hirn, Constitution de l’espace céleste.
Dealer Notes
"He grappled with the apparent conflict between the observations of a near constant solar temperature yet an enormous rate of solar radiation, and concluded that… “the sun has been receiving from a source as yet unknown a quantity of heat equal to the amount it loses by radiation.” He was, in fact, anticipating the twentieth century discovery of nuclear reactions and the fission process. The essay also provided a further glimpse of Hirn’s understanding of the relationship between frictional force and heat and of his concern to explain physical phenomena in terms of the molecular theory of matter.”--Duncan Dowson, Men of tribology, 1978.

”Die Kröning seines Lebenswerkes bildet seine letzte grosse Schrift Constitution de l’espace céleste an der er zehn Jahre lang gearbeitet hatte...eine Schrift die eigentlich alles vereinigt, was er als Ingenieur, als Physiker und als Philosoph veröffentlicht hatte, von seiner Thermodynamik an bis zum letzten Worte der letzten Arbeit.”-- K. Keller. In Gustav Adolf Hirn, sein Leben und seine Werke. 1912.
Author Hirn, Gustave Adolphe
Date 1889
Binding orig. printed wrappers
Publisher Gauthier-Villars & Fils, Imprimeurs-Libraires de l'Observatoire de Paris [and Brussels: Hayez]
Illustrator 1 folding plate
Condition Full margins, uncut, slight offset to plate, a clean copy with minute foxing to first and last leaves.
Pages xxiv, 332

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