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Madoc Books

Hours of Idleness, A Series of Poems, Original and...
BYRON Lord GORDON George 1788-1824
Printed and sold by S. and J. Ridge;

First Report of the Royal Commission on Land in Wa...
Royal Commission on Land in Wales and Monmouth
HMSO by Eyre and Spottiswoode; John Menzies; Hodges, Figgs, & Co.

Experimental Enquiry Concerning the Natural Powers...
SMEATON John 1724-1792. AND VENTURI J.B. Citizen [Giovanni Battista] 1746-182
I. and J. Taylor. AND J. Taylor

Monasticon Anglicanum:
DUGDALE Sir William 1605-1686. STEVENS John --1726
J Smith, G Strahan; W Taylor; R Gosling, W Mears, J Browne, and F Ckay

Dramatic Characters, or Different Portraits of the...
[GARRICK David] 1717-1779
Robt. Sayer. and Jnno. Smith.

A Complete Body of Architecture.
WARE Isaac 1704?-1766
T Osborne and J Shipton; J Hodge; L Davies; J Ward; And R Baldwin. London: Grays-Inn; near London Bridge; in Fleetstreet; in Cornhill; in Pater-Noster-Row

The Designs of Inigo Jones, Consisting of Plans an...
JONES Inigo 1573-1652 (KENT William 1685-1748)
Benjamin White. London: At Horace's Head, Fleet-Street.

The Holy Land, Syria, Iduma, Arabia, Egypt, & Nubi...
Day & Son. London, Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields
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Adrian Harrington - also trading as Hall's Bookshop | Adrian Harrington Tunbridge Wells
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