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G Mosdell, The Junction Bookshop

In Conversation: Gyorgy Ligeti in Conversation wit...

Ligeti, Gyorgy. First English Edition.

London: Eulenburg,


Across the Straits - An Autobiography

Williams, Kyffin (SIGNED by KYFFIN WILLIAMS)

London: Duckworth,


Denbighshire Officers In The Civil War

Tucker, Norman

Privately Printed, Denbighshire,


A Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Sin...

WEBB, The Rev. John (edited by).

London: Camden Society,


The Deserted Village. Illustrated by Stephen Reid

Oliver Goldsmith

London & Glasgow: Gowans & Gray


The Springtide of Life – Illustrated by Arthur Rac...

Swinburne, Algernon Charles

London : William Heinemann,


In this Short Span: A mountaineering memoir.

Michael Ward

London : Victor Gollancz


All Out for Everest with verses by John Aske.

Montgomery, Michael

London : Paul Elek


The Endless Knot. K2. Mountain of Destiny and Dre...

Diemberger, Kurt. Translated from the German by Audrey Salkeld.

London : Grafton Books


Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage

Buhl, Hermann. Translated by Hugh Merrick

London : Hodder & Stoughton


At Home in the Himalayas

Christina Noble

London : Collins


Westerham In Living Memory 1919 – 1989 Volume II

Curtis, Bill

London : Past Times Press


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