In Conversation: Gyorgy Ligeti in Conversation wit...
Ligeti, Gyorgy. First English Edition.
London: Eulenburg,
Across the Straits - An Autobiography
Williams, Kyffin (SIGNED by KYFFIN WILLIAMS)
London: Duckworth,
A Roll of the Household Expenses of Richard de Sin...
WEBB, The Rev. John (edited by).
London: Camden Society,
The Deserted Village. Illustrated by Stephen Reid
Oliver Goldsmith
London & Glasgow: Gowans & Gray
The Springtide of Life – Illustrated by Arthur Rac...
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
London : William Heinemann,
The Endless Knot. K2. Mountain of Destiny and Dre...
Diemberger, Kurt. Translated from the German by Audrey Salkeld.
London : Grafton Books
Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage
Buhl, Hermann. Translated by Hugh Merrick
London : Hodder & Stoughton
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