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G Mosdell, The Junction Bookshop


Lawrence Durrell and others.

The Fortune Press, London,


Silence and Music.


London: Hutchinson,


The Collected Poems of Andrew Young with wood engr...

Andrew Young, arranged with a bibliographical note by Leonard Clark

London: Rupert Hart-Davis


The New Chesterfield. (c 1830)

Philip Dormer Stanhope

London: Alfred Miller


The Great Shadow and Beyond The City. First Editi...

A Conan Doyle

Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz


The Art of William Nicholson

William Nicholson; Colin Campbell

Published by Royal Academy of Arts


Numismatic Manual. First Edition 1840.

John Yonge Akerman

Taylor & Walton London.


Mister Jelly Roll: The Fortunes of Jelly Roll Mort...

Lomax, Alan

Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, NY


H.M.S. Endurance 1981-82 Deployment: a Season of C...

LOCKETT Andrew (Ed.)

Published by Andrew Lockett


The Joy of the Road an Appreciation of the Motor C...

Filson Young

London: Methuen and Co.


What Illuminating Was. A Manual of the History of...

M. Digby Wyatt

Day and Son London


The Common Moths of England

Wood, Rev. J. G.

George Routledge & Sons, London


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