The Life of the Celebrated Sir Francis Drake The First English Circumnavigator

Book Description
58 page folio sized book in brown, paper covered boards with a title block stuck in the centre; price of 10s and 6d is pencilled on the bottom edge of the title label, now very faint. There looks to be an older, printed price scratched out above the new one. The boards are edge worn and cracked at the hinges. This book belonged to AWF Fuller, having been acquired from a collection purchased from his descendants, as such it is inscribed by him on the front paste down page "AWF Fuller 14 Sept. 1960" with what looks like the price of 22 /- encircled in pencil. There are some extensive further notes in light pencil, it's safe to assume by the style that these were Fuller's notes, which appear to explain that the Fuller family traces back to Francis Drake through John Trayton Fuller of Ashdown and later Sir Thomas Trayton Fuller-Elliot-Drake. This seems to be a matter of family historical record, judging by the copious notes. On the front end paper there is a gift inscription "To Miss Mary Ann Thompson with Sir F's and Lady Drake's affe (affectionate) Regards Ardent wishes for her Health & Happiness, June 1829" Then underneath is another inscription from the editor of the book, also in black ink, which reads: "To his Relations and friends the Editor presents this volume as a small token of his affection & Regards...." there are further words of affection to the recipients which are difficult to decipher. As is the signature of the "Editor" which are just the initials "W.D." Helpfully AWF Fullers notes make an attempt to interpret. Fuller states in light pencil by the side of the signature: "If a Drake this must be Sir Francis Henry Drake or Lady Anne Francis Drake, his wife?" The question mark, and the fact that neither of these would appear to be WD indicate his lack of confidence on this one perhaps. There is furthermore a helpful index card laid in with Fuller's notes interpreting the inscriptions and more. The title page states "Reprinted from The Biographia Britannica" underneath this Fuller has written, again in light pencil ""2nd Edit." by way of being a helpful note. Generally, the pages of the book are sound except in some places foxing has occurred. The frontispiece of an engraving of Drake is loosening from the top. In all though this is quite a unique, and certainly very interesting piece.
Dealer Notes
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Hard paper covers
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green
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