Life, trial, and execution of James Mackey, the well known Cripple drawn by dogs: who suffered on Monday, March 3d, 1828 at Durham, for the wilful murder of Miss Ann Somerville -

Book Description
Fine facsimile of the 1828 rare execution broadside - 2 columns of verse followed by an account of the trial - with 2 wood cuts - Mackey a native of Whitehaven had been injured in a mining accident and was subsequently conveyed in a cart on wheels pulled by dogs - he murdered Ann Somerville in Bishop-Wearmouth in Sunderland in 1827 and was hanged in Durham March 3rd 1828 -
Dealer Notes
Newly reprinted ready for the Durham book fair
I. Priest, Quayside, Newcastle; and reprinted by J. Catnach, 2, Monmouth-Court, 7 Dials
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