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Type & Forme

Date Added: 04 May 2021
T.E. Lawrence: Writings, Correspondence, Biographies & Literature
First editions of works by Lawrence; fine-press, limited-edition publications by the Whittington Press, the Fleece Press, and the Castle Hill Press; and books from the libraries of Jeremy Wilson, Peter Enders, and Peter Danby-Smith. Comprising 43 items, this catalogue covers a broad range of items related to Lawrence, from the important Castle Hill Press parallel text edition of Seven Pillars of Wisdom (the 1922 and 1926 texts) and the limited edition of portraits drawn for Seven Pillars by Eric Kennington, via the lesser-known writings of Lawrence (including his work on rescue boats for the RAF) and his defining correspondence with Charlotte and Bernard Shaw, to very affordable but historically important literature on Lawrence’s reputation and afterlife.

Date Added: 04 May 2021
Joseph Banks: A Lincolnshire Botanist in Australia
250 years ago Captain James Cook and his crew – among them the Lincolnshire botanist Joseph Banks – became the first Europeans to set foot on the eastern coast of Australia. Joseph Banks’ botanical discoveries – some 1,300 previously unknown botanical species – revolutionised European understanding of natural history. The ten prints presented in this catalogue show the rich foliage, colourful flowers, and diverse species that Banks discovered as the Endeavour traversed the globe. * * * To see the online exhibition, our video gallery talks, and access further resources on Joseph Banks and his Florilegium, please visit our website: https://www.typeandforme.com/index.php/2020/07/01/joseph-banks-florilegium-exhibition/

Date Added: 04 May 2021
A Sense of Place
'A Sense of Place' is not a traditional travel catalogue. Join us in exploring places visited, remembered, or imagined through the words, images, and imagination of writers, poets, travellers, and photographers of the past century.

Date Added: 04 May 2021
Literature / Art / Travel / Science
50 books, manuscripts, and prints from the fields of Literature, Art, Travel, and Science, including * Albrecht Dürer * Humphry Davu * William Hogarth * Perkins in Persia * Bligh * Burton * Whittier's anti-slavery writings * early 20th-century publications * early photography * George Lyon autograph letter * photobooks * Faraday * missionaries * 19th-century poetry manuscript * letterpress journal * &c &c

Date Added: 31 Dec 2021
Modern First Editions (T&F Twenties No 4)
The fourth instalment in our ‘Type & Forme Twenties’ is dedicated to modern first editions. Signed copies and first and limited editions form our selection of attractive publications of literature in English from the 20th century.

Date Added: 10 Mar 2022
J.G. Farrell
J.G. Farrell, the Anglo-Irish prize-winning novelist of the 1960s and 1970s, is best known for his Empire Trilogy. His entire oeuvre, from A Man from Elsewhere (1963), which only had a very small print run, to the posthumously published The Hill Station (1981), is here gathered in a catalogue that showcases the evolution of Farrell’s writing through a complete set of his first editions.

Date Added: 24 Mar 2023
Private Press
This catalogue celebrates the living, thriving art of the private press in the UK and those who have upheld the tradition. The books in this catalogue are primarily from the collections of the noted bibliophile Stephen Keynes, a great-grandson of Charles Darwin, the founder and chairman of the Charles Darwin Trust, and a member of the Roxburghe Club; the collector of private press publications David Wilson, who was a friend and collaborator of Graham Williams, the founder of the Florin Press; and from the collection of and, some, produced by Jeremy Wilson, the founder of the Castle Hill Press and eminent T.E. Lawrence scholar.

Date Added: 12 Dec 2023
Modern First Editions 1930-2011 (T&F Twenties No 5)
The fifth instalment in our ‘Type & Forme Twenties’ is dedicated to modern first editions, with a focus on fiction, poetry, biography, history, and politics. Auden to Williamson via Fleming, Golding, and Rushdie – Churchill, Sassoon, Norwich – including many signed, inscribed, and limited editions.

Date Added: 21 Mar 2024
Africa (T&F Twenties No 6)
Our latest catalogue presents twenty interesting books and manuscripts on or about Africa, its history, exploration, geography, and natural history. Included are the rare and controversial Narrative of Dr. Livingston’s Discoveries in South-Central Africa, from 1849 to 1856 (no. 3), an autograph letter from Henry Morton Stanley (no. 11), and an inscribed presentation copy of Stanley’s Through South Africa (no. 14). More than half of these come from the collection of the noted explorer, wildlife photographer and film-maker, and bibliophile Quentin Keynes FRGS (1921-2003).

Date Added: 28 Oct 2024
Autumn Miscellany (T&F Twenties No 7)
Our Autumn Miscellany presents twenty books, maps, engravings, and manuscripts with mostly (but not exclusively) antiquarian focus.
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