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The Book House

The Directory of Railway Stations.

R. V. J. Butt

Patrick Stephens Ltd.,


Alfred Yarrow - His Life and Work

Compiled by Eleanor C. Barnes (Lady Yarrow)

Edward Arnold


Hard as the Rock Itself - Place and Identity in th...

David Robertson

University Press of Colorado


Treadwell Gold - An Alaskan Saga of Riches and Rui...

Sheila Kelly

University of Alaska Press


Brewery Railways of Burton on Trent

Cliff Shepherd

Industrial Railway Society


The Civil Engineering of Canals and Railways befor...

Mike Chrimes (Editor)



Enter Sir Robert

Angela Thirkell

Hamish Hamilton


A North Lancashire Railway Album - from the camera...

Leslie R. Gilpin

Cumbrian Railways Association


The Alnwick & Cornhill Railway

John Addyman and John Mallon

North Eastern Railway Association


Backworth - An Illustrated History of the Mines an...

John Elliott & Derek Charlton

Chilton Iron Works


The Life and Death of a Quicksilver Mine

Helen Rocca Goss

The Historical Society of Southern California


Waggonways and Railways of the South-East Northumb...

Alan C. Clothier

Melrose Books


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