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The Book House

The Early History of the North Riding

Edwards, William:

A. Brown & Sons


Armstrong's Men - The Story of the Shop Stewards M...

Bean, David:

Vickers Ltd., North-East Works, Newcastle-upon-Tyne


Giants and Dwarfs

Wood, Edward J:

Richard Bentley


Official Railway Map of the Gloucestershire & Oxfo...

Railway Clearing House

Railway Clearing House


Lincolnshire Houses

Thorold, Henry:

Michael Russell (Publishing) Ltd, Wilby Hall, Wilby, Norwich


English Medieval Industries

Blair, John & Ramsay, Nigel (Editors):

The Hambeldon Press


Follies & Grottoes

Jones, Barbara:



British Railways and the Great War: Organisation,...

Pratt, Edwin A:

Selwyn and Blount



Moncrieff, A. R. Hope

A&C Black, January 1909


Jean Linden, Explorer, Master of the Orchid.

Ceulemans, Nicole

Fonds Mercator


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