Book Description

Firm text block, creasing to pages, text clean. The book comprises: Dedicatory pp10, The True Nature of the Christian Religion in a dialogue betwixt a Christian and his Conscience pp 1- 27, The Fire of the Altar: Or, Directions concerning the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper 31 - 127, Prayers and Devotions to be used before and after receiving of the Holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper 131 - 214, contents 2, catalogue of S Lowndes' books pp 7.
Dealer Notes
Estc R213855, three copies BL, Bodleian and Norwich, two North America. Copac five copies
Author A Horneck
Date 1684 2nd edition
Binding Leather
Publisher S Lowndes
Condition Leather scuffed and rubbed, boards held mainly by cords, prelims tear, page creasing, pages browned though pages crisp and text easily read, tear to a prelim.
Pages [16] 214, [2 contents], [advertisement 10]

Price: £200.00

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