‘An Account of the Plants collected by the Ruwenzori Expedition.’ Reprinted by Permission from The Linnean Society’s Journal - Botany, Vol. xxxviii, January 1908.

Book Description
First separate. 4to. pp. 58; 2 plates; unopened in the original printed wrappers, slightly soiled, minor wear to spine.
Dealer Notes
A discussion of plants collected on Ruwenzori by A. F. R. Wollaston, during the British Museum Collecting Expedition to the range in early 1906. Wollaston and others climbed above the snow-lines, but successful ascents of the main peaks were made later that same year by members of the expedition led and organised by the Duke of the Abruzzi. The present offprint describes the areas in which specimens were collected, and classifies the specimens.
Rendle, A. B., E. G. Baker & S. Le M. Moore.
Original printed wrappers
Very good/good
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