The Sailing Directory for the Windward and Gulf Passages, the Bahama Islands and Channels, the Islands of Hayti, Jamaica, and Cuba, the Coast of Florida, the Martyrs, etc., and the Florida or Gulf Stream. To Accompany the Chart ... by John Purdy.

Book Description
Fourth edition, “Revised and Corrected from Recent Authorities”. 8vo. pp. vi, 160; a few illusts. or plans to text; minor age-toning, ex library of the Marinens Bibliotek (Copenhagen) with inkstamp to title-page, else very good in contemporary (?original) wrappers with paper label to upper wrapper (titled “The New Sailing Directory”), worn to extremities, old inkstamp to label.
Dealer Notes
An uncommon sailing directory for the West Indies. Though issued for use with the chart mentioned in the title, most such directories were sold separately from the charts to which they relate, and in many instances both directories and charts are hard to find. This volume previously formed part of the holdings of the Danish Marinens Bibliotek, the centre for Naval and maritime research in Copenhagen.
Findlay, Alex. G.
Contemporary (?original) wrappers
London: Printed for Richard Holmes Laurie
See description
pp. vi, 160
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