The History of the Royal Bank of Scotland (with interesting letter from the author, creator of the Para Handy tales).

Book Description
Laid in is a als dated March 5 1927 from Neil Munro to D. S. Cormack at the Daily Record office in Edinburgh thanking him for his help 'in my search for the authentic location of the Royal Bank's first premises'.' He continues that he is 'inclined to think that 'Milne Square was the situation'. He also writes that this is the conviction of the Royal Bank itself and of one of the banks old agents, a Mr H. H. Pillans [Pillans invaluable help is acknowledged in the author's Preface],who in a MSS on the history of the bank states 'circumstantially' that the office was in Milne Square (Munro also quotes directly from Pillans' MSS) "In premises which had originally been the headquarters of the Darian Company and afterwards of the Commissioners of the Equivelant". Munro further claims that the premises were on the north side of the High Street 'confronting the Tron Church'. He also speculates that some of the confusion over location especially in the 18th Century when the bank changed its location more than once may be due to the habit of 'referring to the BofS as the "Old Bank" and the RB as the "New Bank". At the end of the letter he returns to the Pillans' MSS and his claim that the Darian Company's offices were in Milnes Square and writes 'It should surely be possible even now to say definitively where the Darian Company's office was, though I have never seen that mentioned in any work I have consulted'. Munro's letter is accompanied by a short tls dated March 22nd 1927 on Associated Scottish Newspaper Ltd headed paper from David R Anderson, Director, to D. S. Cormack thanking him for his help with the bank enquiries and indicating that he has passed Cormack's note on to Munro. Letter from Munro to Cormack folded once and in Fine condition; contained in soiled and rust marked (from paper clip) original addressed envelope. Letter from Alexander to Cormack folded thrice and in Fine condition. Book itself is in generally Very Good condition with foxing on some pages, especially near beginning and end, rust marks from paperclip on the two free end papers at beginning and foxing on fore and bottom edges.
Dealer Notes
Note: This book, telling the story of the Bank's first 200 years, was commissioned by The Royal Bank of Scotland in the year of its bicentenary, and was written by Neil Munro, one of Scotland's best-loved authors. Today Neil Munro is best known as the creator of the wonderful Para Handy stories.
Original cloth.
Edinburgh: Privately Printed for the Royal Bank of Scotland
Illustrated in b&w with photographs of bank buildings and photogravure portraits.
Near very good.
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