Carmina Bucolica Graece et Latine. [...].

Book Description
8vo., pp. [xvi], 567, [i]. Text in Greek and Latin. Small ink stamp to title-page. A few tiny marginal notes. Contemporary vellum, gilt spine, gilt borders, central gilt coat of arms of Utrecht to boards. Some light smudgy marks, ties lost, very good indeed.
MS notes in an old hand to ffep. With prize certificate made out to Jacobus Adolphus Carolus Rovers, dated ‘6 Septemb. 1816’, with several Masters’ signatures. Round inkstamp to title-page, ‘Academia Rheno-Traiectina’.
Dealer Notes
Edition by Lodewijk Caspar Valckenaer (1715-1785), Dutch classical scholar at Leiden. A follower of Tiberius Hemsterhuis, he succeeded him in 1766 in the chair of Greek at Leiden.
Hoffman III 483; Spoelder 7.
Hoffman III 483; Spoelder 7.
Theocritus; Bion; Moschus: (Valckenaer, L. C., ed.; Hessus, H.E., and Hightius, E.G., trans.:)
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Apud A. et J. Honkoop,
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