The Rupnarayan Bridge, Bengal-Nagpur Railway . . . With an Abstract of the Discussion upon the Paper.

Book Description
First separate edition (“Proof Private, not to be Reprinted”). 8vo. pp. 30; one large extending plate of sketch map and bridge profiles and plans, one illust. to text; minor spotting to text, else very good in original printed sewn wrappers.
Dealer Notes
“The Rupnarayan Bridge, at Kola, has been built by the Bengal-Nagpur Railway Company, and forms part of the direct east-coast line between Calcutta and Madras” (opening paragraph). This separately printed paper offers a brief description of the river Rupnarayan, the building of the bridge (foundations, sinking of caissons, building of superstructure). The accompanying large folding plate shows the location of the bridge on a map, longitudinal and other sections of the bridge and its components, and illustrations of individual parts.
[India.] Stephen Martin-Leake.
Original printed sewn wrappers
London: Published by The Institution of Civil Engineers
See description
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