Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps, by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany.

Book Description
First edition. 2 vols. 4to. pp. [v], 92 & [iii], 104; 12 vignette titles, 13 maps inc. one- double-page, 84 engraved views; occasional spotting or foxing, armorial inkstamp to front pastedowns of J. J. C., very good in contemporary half roan, gilt, a.e.g., scuffed.
Dealer Notes
Wäber 63; Neate B170; Perret 0723. Brockedon (1787-1854), an artist by training, first travelled through the Alps when he crossed the Simplon on his way to Italy. He returned to Switzerland and the Alps several times during the 1820s; by his own estimate he “had crossed the Alps nearly sixty times by thirty different routes” (ODNB). His travels provided subjects for his art, and resulted in his Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps. The work contains 12 sections, devoted to the description and illustration of the Small and Great St. Bernard, Montgenèvre, Mont Cenis, Saint Gothard, Stelvio, Corniche, Grimsel, San Bernadino, Spluger, Brenner, Tende, Argentière, and Simplon passes.
Brockedon, William.
Contemporary half roan
London: Printed for the Author
See description
pp. [v], 92 & [iii], 104
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