Heraldica Curiosa, Welche der Wappen Ursprung, Wachsthum, Fortgang (...). - BOUND WITH: (Leonhard Heckenauer) - Eigentliche Abbildungen (...) Kayserl. (...) Röm. Königl. Majestäten (...). Benebenst Einigen curiosen Sinn-Bildern (...).

Book Description
[Genealogy and heraldry]. Rudolphi, J.A. (= Johann Anton Kroll von Freyhen (1666-1749)), (Heckenhauer, Leonhard (ca.1650/60-1704). Heraldica Curiosa, Welche der Wappen Ursprung, Wachsthum, Fortgang, und wie selbiger noch heutiges Tages bey denen Teutschen im Gebrauch, ausührlichen zeiget. Samt deren umständliche Beschreibung, Wie solche in denen Wappen-Briefen, Alten Documenten, Fahnen, Sigillen etc. und verschiedenen Autorn hin und wieder einzeln zu finden; Insonderheit auch Von denen Schildhaltern, Helm- Decken, Kronen. Hüten, Hauben etc. - BOUND WITH: (Leonhard Heckenauer) - igentliche Abbildungen Beeder Römm. Kayserl. wie auch Der Röm. Königl. Majestäten, und dann sämtlicher Herren, Herren Chur-Fürsten dess H. Röm. Reichs (...) Benebenst Einigen curiosen Sinn-Bildern, und in 10. verschiedenen Sprachen verfertigten Gedichten (...).
Ad I: Nürnberg, J.L. Buggel, 1698, 1st ed., (10),226,(18 index) pag., engraved title, 14 (incl. 11 plates IN FINE HANDCOLOURING) with in total some 880 heraldic illustrations (coats of arms), rebound in a matching contemporary full vellum binding, frontcover decoratively calligraphed in old ink "Inventarium über Weylandt der Ziel[?] and dated "1675", folio (33,3 x 21,2 cm.). - Ad II: Augspurg [Augsburg], L. Kroniger und G. Göbels Erben, 1690, 4 parts, (4),11; (2),9; (10); VII (of 8?) pag., 9 (of 10) engraved portraits by Leonhard Heckenauer and 17 (of 18) emblematical plates/ illustrations.
Dealer Notes
= Ad I: Engraved title extended in outer margin with a strip of paper (originally cut ca. 2 mm. outside the printed border in outer margin only); index-pages with old annotations (ink slightly bleeding due to earlier moisture) . Lacking the final plate with "Schildes Reyen und Felder Ordnung"); lower margin frontcover slightly stained/ lower corner vellum defective; horizontal tear in backstrip.
A standard work on heraldry. The illustrations show over 880 coats of arms, as well as crowns, helmet covers, medals, etc.
Ad II: lacking the final portrait, of Fridericus Tertius.
"Leonhard II Heckenauer (c. 1650-1704) came from a family of artists in Augsburg. He (...) was most likely born in Augsburg shortly after the Thirty Years' War, around 1650. He certainly received his first instructions from his father and finally learned the craft of copper engraving from Bartholomäus Kilian, the most famous of the numerous Augsburg engravers at that time. Like his teacher, Leonhard II Heckenauer specialized in portraits and extremely large-format thesis prints, but he also created ornamental engravings and numerous book illustrations." (source: Jörg Diefenbacher)
A standard work on heraldry. The illustrations show over 880 coats of arms, as well as crowns, helmet covers, medals, etc.
Ad II: lacking the final portrait, of Fridericus Tertius.
"Leonhard II Heckenauer (c. 1650-1704) came from a family of artists in Augsburg. He (...) was most likely born in Augsburg shortly after the Thirty Years' War, around 1650. He certainly received his first instructions from his father and finally learned the craft of copper engraving from Bartholomäus Kilian, the most famous of the numerous Augsburg engravers at that time. Like his teacher, Leonhard II Heckenauer specialized in portraits and extremely large-format thesis prints, but he also created ornamental engravings and numerous book illustrations." (source: Jörg Diefenbacher)
[Genealogy and heraldry]. Rudolphi, J.A. (= Johann Anton Kroll von Freyhen (1666-1749)), (Heckenhauer, Leonhard (ca.1650/60-1704)
1698; 1690
rebound in a matching contemporary full vellum binding, frontcover decoratively calligraphed in old ink "Inventarium über Weylandt der Ziel[?] and dated "1675", folio (33,3 x 21,2 cm.)
J.L. Buggel; L. Kroniger und G. Göbels Erben
Ad I: Lacking final plate. Ad II: lacking 1 portrait and 1 emblematical plate/ illsutration (see below for details).
Ad I: (10),226,(18 index) pag.; Ad II: 4 parts
Price: £1200.00
Offered by Fahrenheit 451 Antiquarian Booksellers
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