An Essay on the Best Means of Providing Employment for the People. To which was Adjudged the Prize Proposed by the Royal Irish Academy for the best Dissertation on that Subject.

Book Description
First edition, 8vo (207 x 125 mm), xxxii, 365, [3]pp., without the half-title but with the final errata leaf, cont. calf, neatly rebacked, leather spine label lettered in gilt.
Provenance: With the printed bequest label of the Right Reverend Doctor F. Moylan, to the Diocese of Cork.
Dealer Notes
“Samuel Crumpe (1766–1796) came to prominence in 1793 with a carefully argued essay on unemployment, entitled An essay on the best means of providing employment for the people. In this he emphasised the importance of agriculture, and attacked low wages as ‘a premium to idleness’; he also maintained that people would be lazy when working unless well paid. The essay also echoed popular concerns of the time when Crumpe argued that a prosperous Britain would lead to a prosperous Ireland, and it hinted at the dangers of separation.”—(DIB).
McCulloch, p.284; Goldsmiths'-Kress, no. 15519.
McCulloch, p.284; Goldsmiths'-Kress, no. 15519.
CRUMPE (Samuel)
Dublin: Printed by Bonham, Published by Mercier & Co.,
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