THE HISTORY OF KIRKSTALL FORGE through seven centuries 1200-1954 The Story of England's Oldest Ironworks.

Book Description
A fine "Collectors Copy" in repaired dustwrapper of the revised & enlarged second edition with a Foreword by Arthur Raistrick & Preface by author Rodney Butler who acknowledges having drawn freely on the research of his uncle Hugh Butler who died [aged 87] before completing the book he was writing about the Forge and the Butler Family but decided to confine this book to a history of the works and to ignore matters which were purely of family interest" Hugh Butler however did in his 82nd year publish "A Kirkstall Forge Romance" Letters written between Isabella Fawcell Holgate & Ambrose Edmund Butler 1837-1841 edited with prologue and epilogue by their son Hugh Myddleton Butler.[Kirkstall 1939] A Presentation Copy of which is also available
Raistrick,Arthur. Butler Rodney
YORK;William Sessions 1954
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