Book Description

Eekman, Nico (1889-1973). 'Dood-Dans in zeven tempo's', 1924. [Dance of Death, 7 original signed woodcuts]. Complete suite of seven original woodcut dance of death-illustrations and a woodcut title on one sheet of fine oriental Toshi-paper, signed and numbered in pencil, stamped with red studio mark, under original card woodcut cover. quarto (31,5 x 13,3 cm.).
Dealer Notes
= Masterful Belgian expressionist work by Nico Eekman, printed on one sheet of Toshi paper and presented in an accordian fold, with the original presentation wrapper. Eekman was born in Brussels and settled in Paris in 1920. He exhibited widely in Europe and was quite friendly with Mondrian and Signac. He was very active as a painter and woodblock artist and also showed his prints in Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Toronto and Chicago. As seen in the work of Henri van Straten, Victor Delhez and Nicolas Eekman, among others, a macabre and thoroughly captivating sense of humor often pervades Belgian aesthetics during the 1920s and 1930s. James Ensor is best known and certainly an early inspiration, but there were many other printmakers whose work stand out. This is particulary evident in the woodcut medium and Eekman's version of "danse macabre" is exemplary.
Author [Dance of Death]. Eekman, Nico (1889-1973)
Date 1924
Binding original card woodcut cover, quarto (31,5 x 13,3 cm.)
Publisher n/a
Illustrator Nico Eekman
Condition Fine copy
Pages leporello in 7 sections

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