Altare Damascenum, seu Ecclesiae Anglicanae politia, Ecclesiae Scoticanae obtrusa […].

Book Description
4to., pp.[viii], 782, [x]. Title-page in red and black with woodcut printer’s device. Woodcut initials and end-pieces. Divisional title page for ‘De regimine Scoticanæ ecclesiæ’. Inkstamps to preliminary blanks (edges tattered) and to p. 17. Occasional light spotting. A little faint dampstaining to gutter up to about p.50, a few tiny scorch marks. Contemporary vellum, title inked to spine, plain frames and borders, blind embossed centrepieces, edges sprinkled red. Spine a bit darkened, a few scratches, very good.
To ffep, preliminary blank and margin of p.17 an inkstamp reading: From the Library of Rev. Owen Thomas, D.D., Liverpool. Purchased and Present by Mr William Thomas, Bootle, Liverpool. The Theological College, Bala. December 1891.
Dealer Notes
First published in 1621 in Amsterdam as ‘The altar of Damascus or the patern of the English hierarchie, and Church policie obtruded upon the Church of Scotland’, the greatly expanded Latin edition ‘Altare Damascenum’ followed in 1623. Calderwood (1575-1650) wrote both whilst living in the Netherlands, having been banished for ‘resolutely oppos[ing] to the attempts of James VI to reintroduce episcopacy into the Church of Scotland’. (ODNB)
Calderwood, David:
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Apud Cornelium Boutesteyn,
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