Book Description
A manuscript record of Lord Orford’s voyage round the Fenns in July – August 1774 in 3 titled parts.
1/ “Journal of Mr Tho Roberts Volunteer on Board the Fleet “19 pages
2/ “Journal of a Voyage round the Fenns performed by The Earl of Orford in the year 1774
By Mr Geo Farrington Volunteer on Board the fleet” 70 pages
3/ “The Admirals Journal of a voyage round the Fenns in July 1774”63 pages followed by 24 blank pages.
To the front paste down, Armorial bookplate of A. Hamond Esq, with his signature Anthony Hammond West acre (1742-1822}
Later bookplate R F, Morningthorpe (Ron Fiske).
Pencil notes to the front free end paper “G Farrington (sis who signed this first diary was younger brother of Joseph Farrington R.A “-----
Bound in the original full velum binding 20 cm x 16cm. The manuscript clearly written in ink in the same hand with occasional adjustment to the text.
In 1864 the manuscript was reprinted under the Title lord Orford’s Voyage Round The Fens in 1774. Edited by J.W Childers and published by Edwin White, Printer and stationer, Doncaster, there is no indication where Childers had access to the manuscript. A copy of the book is sold with the manuscript.
The fleet consisted of four sail of the line, The Whale, the alligator, the shark and the dolphin, three fenders viz the Pristis, the Centaurus and the chimera the Fireaway Bumketch, and The Coca Nut Victualler. The whole Fleet on account of the narrowness of the river was drawn up in one line”. The voyage started on July 17th to the 6th of August. The diary is a daily account of the voyage beside the date details of the place spent that day. Giving a detailed description of the daily observations and events the natural history seen and the troubles encountered i.e On Whittlesey Mere for the first time. The fleet would spend a lot of time throughout their travels fishing and carousing here. At this time, it was the largest lake in England outside of the Lake District, according to Orford it was 24 miles around the lake and no more than 5-7 feet deep and “in the whole mere a bed of weeds is not to be found”. He was especially taken with the fishing the lake offered routinely catching eels, perch and pike some of extremely large size.
The man behind the voyage, the Rt. Hon George Walpole, Third Earl of Orford a playboy of the time and an excentric who died aged 61, insane with no heirs, the title passing to his uncle Horace Walpole.
Lord Orford
full velum
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